The Project

MÉTIS project is committed to improve the infrastructures and ICT systems of two main port authorities in Portugal – APS and APDL – through a holistic approach

  • Cyber-security awareness to internal and external operators
  • New robust Response Plan
  • Promotion of cyber-attacks simulations
  • Exercises and perform audits

There is an increased need to ensure the ICT robustness among the maritime port systems and services through improvements to the Logistic Single Window Cybersecurity System. Find how MÉTIS will address the LSW needs.


MÉTIS Work Plan is oriented to train and qualify people and ICT systems and networks and to define an approach for practical scenarios for the assessment of ICT vulnerabilities 

Robustness of two of the main national Ports’ ICT infrastructures, in order to create preventive, detection, and response measures to minimize the effect of eventual cyber-incidents. In compliance, the foreseen actions will limit the economic and societal damage provoked by cyber-incidents.

The objective is to widely disseminate its results, promote knowledge transfer, and integrate international cooperation networks in cybersecurity matters. It aims at provoking the transposition of cybersecurity measures and procedures to other national ports that use LSW.