
ACTIVITY 1 | Assessment

Valuation of compliance and maturity of LSW on the requirements regarding the ISO27001 and European and National Portuguese legal requirements on privacy and security.

Expected results:
  1. Map of the current status of APS and APDL cybersecurity maturity level
  2. Processes improvements
  3. Accurate diagnosis of the current situation toward the full NIS Directive compliance
ACTIVITY 2 | Cyber Capabilities Enhancement

Development of the needed capabilities, such as tools, competencies, and an awareness campaign

Expected results:
  1. Increase in 90% APS and APDL internal skills in cybersecurity domains with technical workshops for IT teams
  2. Involve at least 700 participants of the Port Community stakeholders in workshops addressing the cybersecurity awareness
  3. Establishment of a collective mind-set for cybersecurity and the importance of accessing and sharing available best practices
ACTIVITY 3 | Auditing and Compliance

Identify, detect, and address all the existing vulnerabilities, to ensure that LSW is properly developed and operated

Expected results:
  1. Obtain the ISO 27001 Certification to LSW in APS and APDL
  2. Decrease of permeability level in 60%, through the optimization of controls and the implementation of a Governance Model
ACTIVITY 4 | Develop Response Plan

Conduction of a survey of the Port Community stakeholders and development of appropriate security measures and guidelines

Expected results:
  1. Decrease in 65% the negative impacts of cyber incidents due to the definition and adoption of an Incident Response Plan
  2. Monitoring of the actions adopted and its continuous improvement after the project completion
  3. Limit in 45% the economic and political damage of cyber incidents at the national level
aCTIVITY 5 | Dissemination and Project Management

Implementation of a wide and focused dissemination plan for the project’s results and impact on different targeted audiences, including the organization and event participation.

Expected results:
  1. Mobilization of Port Community stakeholders for the planned Events
  2. Acceleration of the adoption of cybersecurity measures by the Port operators through awareness and capacitation actions
  3. Participation in activities organised by the ISAC Facilities manager